are obliged to exist, and yet we are punished to the maximum (they
say), of deprivation of existence if we make a fault regarded to be
unspeakable by our judges. The pseudo, "penalty" of death
(or other custodial sentence) is obviously a good riddance!
have a brain, virgin of cultural significance. We arrive into a
system of rights, laws, and rules that are imposed on us. We all have
different body and intellect from the others, with IQ and PQ (Physical Quotient) highly variable, and more or less malleable
therefore more or less easily educable.
are educated obligatorily, and badly, because it is impossible to
control this education. We are educated in societies by wholesalers
of education, and rarely into detail, as if we all were certified
are then released into society after a youth, when our seething
brain, in a state of permanent construction, and constant filling,
was the draft on which wrote our teachers, parental and societal, and
then come what may of that copy.
copy must fend for itself, it is declared responsible for what it
will do, whereas it is responsible for anything, neither its
existence, nor of its body, nor its intellect, nor its education, nor
the environment,
not anymore with rules that educators have tried, in the essential
parts, with more or less success, desire, responsibility, to
integrate into the system which is this new person, this new partner.
must be added, for the excuse of educators, equally devoid of free
will that the pupil, they are the result of the same absurd
trajectory, and closer to Cro-Magnon than the child, modeling clay,
that they have between hands.
the power makes the right, and not the opposite, but after we forget,
the laws belonging to the landscape. Every right, any law, any rule
must be submitted to the knowledge of the functioning, as realistic
and true as possible, of the human being, of matter, of the universe,
of society itself.
rights, laws, and rules may not fail, by custom or ease, to comply
with the new knowledge that science brings to the understanding of
the world, and especially the functioning of individuals, each
laws, rules must be fair and equitable. How could they be without
respecting the truth as much as possible? Truth of the world, the
truth of the individual...
a life is, of course, for the manufacturer's service. This
production, it must be remembered, is made blind without mastery.
Impose to exist, it is also to impose the body, the environment,
culture, education in a virgin intellect of cultural meaning, as well
as the rules of the game. It is worth repeating.
we are moral beings (we have at least invented morality and the
Rights), how to impose a rule to somebody who cannot refuse it? Is
this moral?
difference does one between forced labor, to specify this, call it by
its name "slavery", and impose on someone to work because
it has no choice but to die if it cannot make a living, that is to
say it must buy his body, whereas one forced him to exist?
difference does one make between the obligation to follow rules
imposed by a dictator and rules imposed by a Democracy by “simple”
obligation to exist?
creation of an existence only serves existing ones, when it does not
control the creation nor the path that will follow this existence,
the creator is either an animal or a fool or a slaver, even a
our parents create our existences, for their personal service (it's
not us that ask to exist), we are born with a completely virgin
nervous system of cultural significance. The nervous system is a
blank memory, a white paper culturally.
have in memory no word and no function associated with the familial
and social culture. All cultural functions will be taught and learned
in our lives. We did not ask to exist. We were violently inserted
into the Social Jungle, into the Earth trash, without our consent.
life will be a lottery. The body we have is itself a lottery, gender,
IQ, health, events, lifetime, all is lottery. Our parents played the
lottery on our back shamelessly. They will never apologize for our
defects, they will be just happy with what they call quality.
insert these social mental functions that no one has of birth, they
do not know how, nobody knows. It works generally just about, by a
rough formatting, but they, parents and society, have to do this by
themselves. They want to insert ourselves into society, so they want
us to have mental functions approved by the society, they have to do
this by themselves, not to children.
are not to blame. Their own existences are not of their fault, nor
their mental functions, that will enable them, or not, to integrate
properly into society. All these children have a very variable IQ, it
goes from zero, the vegetable, to some prodigies and few geniuses. Do
you think all these intellectual differences give the same
opportunities to everyone to integrate into society?
are born unequal, intellectually and physically, but equal according
to the Human rights and before the law. Whatever the quality of
mental functions that your parents have managed to insert into your
nervous system, it is you who will take if you commit an antisocial
act, or if you are not able to serve society properly.
are your parents and the society which create and ask for your
existences, it is them which introduce the social mental functions in
you, but it is you who will take whereas it is them which were
flunked in your creation and your insertion. You are the turkeys of
the human joke.
this applies to your parents and their ancestors, to the initial
beastie, and this is why the progress of humanity is slow. It's too
bad that the population growth is faster than the diffusion of
you noticed the following sentence, Madam, and especially have you
understood it?
creation of an existence only serves existing ones, when it does not
control the creation nor the path that will follow this existence,
the creator is either an animal or an idiot, or a slaver even a
benefits the accused. However, nobody can prove the existence of the
free will, since it is impossible. But why are people punished by a
society which did not even ask the official science to make this
leaders, our legislators and judges, are they irrational at this
lawyers and defendants do they not try to benefit from this lack of
demonstrations? Why are convicts locked up in shitcells? Mystery!
is necessarily a difference between a human being resulting from a
creation, and a human being resulting from the only mechanisms of the
universe. In the first case, we are created with features decided by
our manufacturer, and in the second we are elements of the universes
adapted to it because born from it, but without any intention.
two entities cannot be identical. For thousands of years, we live by
believing us superior beings. We are taught by our parents and our
societies as divine children. I, the author, personally, I have no
particular power, I'm not telepathic, and I have no free will. I wish
I was educated as such.
needs to clear everything out, from birth to death. We must question
everything, education, justice, governance, etc. Everything is done
according to the first scheme, everything must be done according to
the second scheme.
millions of people are stored in jail because our justice decided
that according to the first scheme they were responsible. It is
infinitely stupid to create a human, evil educate, and lock it up.
Worse, to take its life given by you, punishing it for faults of
creation and education for which it is not responsible...
will does not exist, since the universe cannot make mechanisms going
against its own mechanisms. This implies that the judge is not
responsible for his own actions... Blimey! but if the judge is not
responsible then the criminal is not either...
Let's invent free will, no problems like that. And for that matter,
let's invent immortality. And then, add a soul ... and add a creator.
That's it, well done, and let's prevent people from thinking, by
making them work like slaves. They won't notice anything. Above all,
let them ignore the idea that free will does not exist ... Shh!
you are a believer, the following does not apply to you. The believer
has convictions that do not need demonstrations, and displaying a
conviction, it is perhaps beautiful, but it doesn't even matter when
one does not know oneself.)
is not the assertion or denial that makes the existence or
non-existence of facts (fairies), it is the proof. A horse can be
stubborn, and its rebuff does not indicate that it has a "free
will". My computer can display "no" and that does not
give it a "free will". A robot could learn to refuse to
perform an action that would penalize it, it would be enough to
program it.
child learns how to say "yes" or "no", wisely or
not, this is not the pronunciation of those words that makes a "free
will", no more than the associated actions. If I speak French,
it's because I was constrained to be born, and forced to learn
French. The universe cannot make mechanisms going against its own
clock shows the time, and not the opposite. The human being gives the
thought, and not the reverse. The thought does not activate neurons,
but the activity of neurons give thought.
will" would be the act of determining oneself (in full knowledge
of cause and effect), how do you do that? If you know, please let me
know and send your findings to the Academy of Sciences, and
especially to Justice.
they punish the men, they will finally be happy to know that they
were right to lock people up, or condemn them to death... Until today
they do not know why they do it, but it is much easier for the
society to get rid of the problem of the ill-educated people by the
society itself.
is convenient to make people believe they have a "free will"
in order to make them punishable under despicable ill-treatment
people, locked in shitcells, are even ready to swear that they have a
free will without any proof, whereas with a bit of intelligence (they
do not possess) they could rely on the fact that the "free will"
has never been shown by the official science, to benefit from the
cry out for this "free will", which allows them to believe
in their own intelligence. That's the beautiful maneuver! It must be
said that the society has done everything for they confuse freedom
with "free will", which is far from being the same thing.
have no accountability to poor education they give their child, and
the society which still has a greater part in the education of
children is quite happy with this invention of "free will".
only culprit is the one who did not ask to be born and has not
accepted social rules that one ordered him to accept without even a
signature, which is contrary to the law itself which says that what
is obtained by coercion is illegitimate.
who does not feel good in society must be able to lodge complaints
against their parents and society for giving birth without intent to
ensure its well-being and its health, and for endangering the lives
of others.
for the criminal, he may complain about having received a bad
education that led him to break the law. Free will is a religious
belief; associated with heaven and immortality of the soul, it
enables humans to give birth and get rid of the guilt of this birth
has made us a big brain, but as this analyzing machine is too
powerful, it took it to be forced not to cogitate certain concepts by
belief. Congratulations evolution!
principle of Justice wants that before to involve someone in any
action, one asks him for his opinion, his permission: "Will you
participate in this or that? "I conclude that no creator god, no
parent, can be just since the creation of existence and involvement
in life are always made without the consent of the created being.
you like me to believe that the guy who is born physically or
mentally disabled, the one who is born of stupid parents, of
spirit-rappers, who is born in a war zone, a place where one is
you want me to make to believe that he, who is born in abject
conditions, has nothing to claim from the human world who let him
create his existence, unnecessary creation for him that did not
exist, and therefore did not apply to exist and even less in
unspeakable conditions, whereas humanity claims for the Human Rights,
morals and ethics, justice, equality as of the birth, between all?
you know that abused children prenatally (in the womb) have the right
to complain against their vile parents? Are you sure, Madam Zero,
that your child will see the light of day with healthy body and mind,
and that your blind laboratory Frankenstein, your uterus, will not
make a monster that will blame you for as long as you live?
it was you who arranged blindly the thousand billion cells which
constitute your child.
death penalty is used to assert, for a government, to the people and
to other countries, that it is the absolute master at home. It has
the power of life and death on each of the subjects it manages.
death penalty is the education of the masses by a social crime. As
for the dead one, he learns nothing. And if there was a heaven, hell
therefore, he would suffer a double penalty terrestrial and
death penalty is not only unfair, it is absurd, stupid.
must not only be against the death penalty, we have to be against the
idea of any penalty, at all.
a country has in its laws the death penalty, it does not respect its
own citizens, and in fact it does not respect itself and its own
culture, since its own citizens come from its own culture. A society
gives birth and educates its own associates. Killing them, it is to
admit that his own cultural system is crappy. It is an admission of
death penalty is not a punishment, because the right sense of
punishment is learning. The death penalty is only a moral torture
before execution for the "punished" one, and a final
punishment for the family. Serves them right, since they have
educated the criminal.
society forgets the very great part that it has taken in the
education and conduct of criminal that has resulted. You the victims!
Bring charges against the society for educational failure,
endangering the lives of others, etc.
the "penalty" is executed, the condemned no longer exists
and therefore suffers no more pain, instead of his family who lives
thinking of the brother, the sister, the son, to the daughter, the
father, mother, etc., which has been carried out, which is very long
family stain. The death penalty is in fact a social stigma, defect of
putting into the world, failure of education, lack of understanding,
death penalty is a sudden death, like that of the infant. It is also,
it seems, an exemplary punishment, which therefore aims to threaten
all associates (of the society) so-called the people. Strange
society, where one threatens its associates if they do not behave
well. What social atmosphere!
constant blackmail, as are many laws. The Act is our "Big
Sister" ... Are there any rewards based on such strong emotions?
No, None.
a democracy, capital punishment is not only a governmental crime.
When one is for capital punishment, one is oneself a killer.
is the executioner, one who holds the ax, the one that activate the
blade of the guillotine, the one who pulls the trigger, one that
injects the poison, who grilled the brain of convict to the electric
chair. The crime is not divided by the amount of population, each
taking a share, no, it is multiplied.
executioner is your representative, how many men have you killed
through it? This social crime is a common crime. By the fact that we
do not prevent this social crime, we are accomplices. We are
accomplices by laxity. The society probably wants to impose this
is in our country a democratic complicity. The society puts us a
pistol in hand and it forces us to kill to impose us complicity, so
silent. Refuse complicity! Vote no to the death penalty worldwide is
a human duty.
you create the existence of a sensitive and mortal person, it will
suffer and die to a minimum. Does this person have to use the law of
retaliation against you? Why do you use the law of retaliation
against it when it does something that does not suit you, an
antisocial act, that you call crime, by cultural habits, and mental
it moral not to tell the truth, even if it is disturbing? Is it right
to exercise justice without knowing what a human being?
there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a
new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "
Berlherm (July 2016)