Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Free will and the obligation to exist

I fear now that you should make a great effort of comprehension. Because which follows is addressed only to the virtuous woman…

We are obliged to exist. This means that we exist to serve, serve our parents and society.

Even if we had a free will we cannot be held accountable to exist and to exist with defects designated as such by the society, since everything is imposed on us, our body, our intellect, our educators, the environment in which we live, the rules of life and social game.

More especially as we are born virgins from cultural meanings, meanings which will be then implanted by the teachers who do not control education.

To have a free will, it is to be able to judge freely without nobody intervening in this judgment. But how could this be possible since we are born virgins from cultural meanings? This implies that all that will enable us to judge our actions on the world comes from the society which educates us.

Moreover, using this strange "free will" to impose on someone to exist, is it very relevant?
To exist with so-called "free will" to impose on others to exist with "free will"! Isn't this more than paradoxical?

Can we impose the existence of the "free will" by imposing the existence, but also under any conditions of body, life, environment, to that one on which we will impose it? Can we impose the "free will"?

Is free will individually useful? Is it useful socially? And especially to claim, in utter denial multiple demonstrations of the impossibility, that it can exist, to what and for whom is it used?

To impose on someone to exist is the action that should be considered intensely, carefully, methodically, logically, rationally. And if "free will" must intervene somewhere, it is for this crucial action, essential.

Are we sexed freely? Do we use the "free will" to copulate? And does the result of this copulation require the free will? How could the "free will" settle in the cell-division system that produces us, us and other animal species in the same way?

If a (pseudo) creative god (or my own mother) imposes on me a "free will", do I have one because he decides it, whereas I did not ask to play his game of the Life with his conditions? Why should I be punished not to want to accept his rules, whereas I am obliged to exist in this game of Life, this imposed social game?

Not only is existence imposed, but all the conditions of existence. These conditions are absolutely not mastered by one who uses his own so-called "free will" to impose this life not controlled by a person other than himself, because the child is another.

The child is also, as soon as he exists, the associate of a large number of other individuals. It is the base of a society to be made up of associates, theoretically with equal shares!

How could we have a "free will" if the one whom us “gratifies” of a "free will" violates the conditions of this granting by imposing us the Life which would contain this supposedly "free will"?

Why an elephant would he not need "free will" to make choices? Why a child of twelve, not smarter than a matriarch elephant, would he have one?

How a robot, able to do the same types of choices than me, wouldn't he have a free will? If a robot has a "free will", am I a machine?

Is the behavior of the human beings different in the propagation of the Life than the one of the other animals? Why would we have a free will and not them? Why the self-awareness of the elephant, the dolphin, the dog, etc., wouldn't confer them a free will if we do have one?

Which is the utility of free will in our choices? In what the choice between two actions would it require this something of individual that would be the free will? Why a child of less than five years, or an animal, which chooses an action among several wouldn't need "free will" contrary to an adult?

Why do education confer the responsibility, therefore the "free will", since the law punishes after a certain age?

Einstein and his IQ of 160, has he more "free will" than a moron charged with a petty crime, while himself took part in "the bomb" and produced three children including two severely disabled?

Can the universe without god mechanically produce a "free will"? Can I contravene the laws of the universe? Can I activate my neurons myself? Do I have access consciously, intimately, precisely to what occurs under my skin?

If scientists had not told me, how would I know that I possess a brain? I do not feel more my brain that I do not feel my liver. How function my thought, my conscience, my free will? I do not know it. How can I be free to use that of which I am unaware of functioning, and where it is located?

Am I free to use the consciousness that one imposed to me? To impose life is to impose the freedom which goes with. How by imposing freedom can it be effectively freedom?

Rather than trying to analyze a possible "free will", it is better to find out what kinds of freedoms we may possibly possess.

Three types of freedom are possible:
Social freedom is the fact that our actions are limited by those of the others.
Freedom of action, our autonomy, is the fact that our actions are limited by our motor skills in our environment.
The third type, mental freedom is impossible, because no action allows me to consider it, there is no possibility so that the thought activates the thought, since the thought is the product of the internal material activities massively parallel of myriads of particles gathered in atoms, associated into molecules, then in alive cells all simultaneously, and out of consciousness.

Thought is a process resulting.

The impossibility of free will begins with the obligation to exist with our body, its weaknesses, its impossibilities, and our limited mental faculties, all of different values ​​depending on the individual, and all subject to education.

We have a body and an intellect provided by an automatic genesis. We do not have access precisely, intimately, and consciously to what occurs under our skin.

If I put you in A and I tell you to go to B, do you feel free, knowing you can do almost what you want to reach B, but you cannot do anything but to comply? (A being the obligatory birth, and B being obligatory death.)

All that is in the mind is memory since all is repeated daily. Knowledge is memory, as well as the mental functions. The feelings and the conscience themselves are repeated therefore memory. All that is memory, is matter, and more precisely an organization of matter.

The free will is impossible:
– It is not me which activates my neurons.
– I am the resultant of the trajectory of all the particles which compose me.
– The universe cannot make mechanisms going against its own mechanisms.

The brain is a black box: the ideas are built into my brain without my knowing how, and my will is itself built in my brain without I know more.

The "I" that says, "I have the will" is also a construction of the brain built without that the "I" is for anything in this construction.

My brain is matter and it works physicochemically. All kinds of choices we humans can do (there is only one and that is the weighted choice), I am able to program it in my computer, because I am a computer specialist. Is the computer other things than a machine, a free man?

How my thought or my will can they be free since my teachers wrote in my thought what they wanted or tried?

I think in French and Chinese think in Chinese.

My eyes are cameras, my ears microphones. What occurs in my brain is inaccessible for me. If one had not told me, I would never have known that I had neurons. How can I control what I am unaware of?

Today, old adult, I stand before a video and my brain registers phrases that I did not know in advance (and so much better for my curiosity). These phrases are installed in me without I am for something, I mean precise and conscious installation.

I simply placed my microphones which are my ears in front of the speakers of my computer, and the installation in my mentality and its transformation into something of more or less comprehensible is automatic.

If I ask "2 x 2", you will understand and be able to answer "4". You will do it, because I awoke in your brain this childish question that another has installed, but you shall know nothing of the way it appears and where it is located.
Same for the answer "4", you do not know where is this response in the neural mass and how it is structured or how to produce this response. It is automatic.

All our ideas come to what we call "consciousness" on the same principle, we know nothing of their manufacture. But we do not know more about consciousness itself, which is an automatic mechanism similar.

When we say "I", this "I" is made in the same way just as mysterious, and we do not know what it represents, as it is sometimes the entire body, sometimes a part of the brain, ego, me, or anything else, according to our mood.

Not, I do not have a free will, it is perhaps disheartening for those which think themselves intelligent, but I know that it is impossible and I prefer the knowledge.

A person without "free will" must not be educated as a person who would own one. Similarly, a person created divinely would be totally different from a person that results from the simple functioning of a mechanical universe.

If free will existed, nobody would worry of child education. Even believers, who believe firmly in free will, insist that their children to be educated without talking to them about evolution, or what they call propaganda about atheism or simply rationalism.

Even believers educate their children in their religious morality. Moral education and free will are yet perfectly antithetical.

Is that somewhere in the world, legislators, judges, required of official science to make the rational demonstration of the existence of free will?

If only one proof of its non-existence were necessary, that one would be enough.

This demonstration is impossible to establish and, as the society is not ready to lock itself to congenital stupidity and complicity of procreation crime without intent to ensure the well-being of its own members, so they prefer to perpetuate ancestral stupidity.

We born ... If we have zero knowledge, we cannot choose nor reason. If we have one knowledge, we have no more choice possible, and still no possibility of reasoning. If we have two knowledge, we can only choose between the two, but not to reason.

If we have N knowledge, we can only choose between these N and we can maybe start to think, but falsely. We always lack of knowledge to reason just. And we die...

But with what do we reason? Do we control this system which makes it possible to reason, and which one imposed on us?

"Life serves only already existing ones.” Create a sensitive and conscious existence is to create ill-treatment, pain, misery, death (for the rest, it is normal). How a creator, a female creator, a mother, can she take risks on the back of a person, her child?

All the human ones, or almost, are believers. Without belief to block intelligence, no life. Ladies, have you ever thought to native contract or to ensure your child before you conceive it? No, because you are believers, the chance was necessary so that I think of it, and so that you read it here.

The free will is necessarily identical for all individuals who are supposed to have one, and for this reason it would be necessary that each one has the same information and the same knowledge to make a decision free and accurate, because freedom is that to make the right choice for oneself, which cannot be different for everyone under the same conditions.

The "free will", the "free will" function if it were to exist, is associated with knowledge. Knowledge is part of the "free will". What implies that there is no "free will" since knowledge is acquired and are never the same ones according to the individuals.

Free will has no age, otherwise it's not free will. "Free will" cannot be based on any learning. "Free will" must be innate and suffice on its own.

Free will is not voluntary, it is not a mental function freely accepted by him who own it, from where the aporia of its existence.

Free will has no use for practical life. A robot can process knowledge in the same way that a human.

The free has only the social “utility” to be able to punish and get rid of the cumbersome people, and to store them in places restricted at a minimal cost, whereas these people were created, accepted, and educated by the society in places chosen by the society, and all that, in a not controlled way.

The thought, the brain, is a book in which everyone can write, one must just be close to the "owner".

You claim to be able to control your mind through a supposed "free will", while you are unable to finely control your body, you're maybe not ambidextrous, you are not a juggler, you have trouble coordinating your body, the one you have under the eyes.

And you want to make us believe that you control the enormous parallelism of the simultaneous operation of your neurons which all are alive (as long as they did not die) to linearly produce thoughts, sentences.

You do not even know consciously, intimately, how your locomotion functions, it is something which you acquired in childhood and which is a perfect automatism, uncontrolled finely and consciously.

And it is the same for the production of the words, as well as phonation than writing, which are mechanisms acquired in childhood with difficulty.

And it is the same for the production of the words, both phonation and writing, which are mechanisms acquired in childhood with difficulty.

May it be that the free will is an invention? If it is one, for what is it used? For which reasons, if there are several, the idea of the "free will" was it imagined by the human ones? The need to give a sense of responsibility to the person whom one educates in his own education. The need to get rid of a person who disturbs.

The society hides its inability to educate the child, hides his incompetence, his ignorance of the human being, his dictatorial rule, proclaiming that uneducated person by social educators, so itself, and forced to exist by itself, also has a "free will". It's convenient ... Especially idiot!

We are not programmable strictly as a computer. Our education is our programming. Nobody knows perfectly educate a child.

But it is not by deluding us on our functioning that we can improve this education. It is necessary to admit what we are, our mechanisms. We do not have a "free will", we are not resulting from a divine creation, but from the mechanisms of the universe. We function. We must know this process precisely.

It is not the belief that decides our functioning, these are the facts, and these facts must be described rationally, and this is certainly not a believer who can describe them using reason. Thus it is "free will".

The functioning of our thought is a fact which must be described by reason and not by belief. The universe is not a fairy tale.

The question some are asking is this: since "free will" does not exist, why worry about the world because without "free will" nothing can change?

My answer: if you leave a virus in your computer, it will function through. But then, why remove it, since without "free will" nothing can change, and that the computer does not have a "free will"? However you do it…

This makes thousands of years that humans believers, the majority of hundred billion that existed, had the brain parasitized by a mental virus.

It is always time to remove this virus of the head of the children who are educated daily, and to try to remove it in the head of the adults who could possibly accept this mental operation, probably painful for a believer.

Ourselves, we are continuous systems in constant modification. The texts which we read and the events that occur in our lives change us. These sentences, which you read, change you simply because the words are connected differently in your brain, whereas you know all the words individually.

We are not irremovable entities, we do not have a spirit injected by a god in a body which would incarnate this spirit.

Why recognize our true functioning? Which impact the error, the lie, the refusal do they have on the individual and the society?

The thought is a kind of display of sensations, as the display on the computer screen. Does the display can act on the software? Of course not, the thought does not act on the material that produces thought. Free will is impossible.

The free will does not exist, you have read several demonstrations and probably have understood them, if you wished it (mechanical desire), and it is because it does not exist that we do not control much of the social life, since we do not even control our individual functioning in an intimate way, precise, and conscious.

As for the society, I suppose that you all noticed that humanity is in perpetual war since the tribes exist. Now that we know that the Earth is round, limited, and overpopulated, what is the interest to continue in the same direction and to make war for nothing? Are we still basic animals? Our little more intellectual does it profit so worthless?

This is neither the religious desire to invent guilt of those who did not ask to exist (the reason for this invention is obvious), nor the social need to lock up people (who still not asked to exist) in cells-shitters which makes that free will exists.

The free will, if it existed, would ask for a scientific demonstration. Nothing's easier ! That the society (legislators, justice, and lawyers) asks that this demonstration be made. Meanwhile, free will does not exist, and any doubt should benefit the accused, gentlemen lawyers, gentlemen defendants, take advantage of it!

If "one" lend you extraordinary abilities of intelligence, strength, beauty, ask yourself why and what sauce "one" want to eat you.

Free will is one of these fabulous abilities that "one" lends to our brains to use us. Mom, Dad and the Society are the only profiteers of this sycophancy.

You will do the same when you will become one of them. But that does not arrange the world to distort the Truth, see where we are in this planetary chaos!

Everything is always about education. Do we make a good education on a good human model? According to whether we are the result of a creation or a simple functioning of the universe (which I call universolism), we cannot be the same so-called intelligent entity.

A creator would have wanted us in his image with features and a "free will"! While the universe has absolutely no intention, and we are the result of mechanisms. Two beings created differently cannot be similar, so education cannot be the same, nor justice, nor the government.

However, we are educated, justiciable, and governed according to the creationist principle, and that is why we are in a great universal mess. The human world is like the universe, without free will, it work, and will work better (for us) with ten thousand (10,000) intelligent beings rather than ten-billion howling beasts.

A ruler of the world should know, as closely as possible, how function the people he governs. It's the same for legislators, judges, and especially educators because educators educate future leaders, future legislators, future judges, especially the future educators themselves.

If education is distorted, everything comes together. Seven billion people are on our way, they are part of the description of the road we travel. Seven billion erroneous descriptions while we spend our lives among humans, it cannot function properly.

If the cause of this erroneous description is intentional, dishonest, whereas one asks me to be honest myself, how this society made up of human educated dishonestly and wrongfully can it work correctly?

Refuse to admit that free will is impossible is stupid, it is our inner workings, this resulted in our absurd world, rotten, warrior, muddy, miry, insane, composed of idiots and slavers who set heads in the sand for nothing, because life has no meaning.

We are forced to exist, forced to education, forced to buy our bodies, forced to suffer (all), and forced to die (all) without exception, whereas we invented the Rights, morality, and ethics.

You punish your own child because you do not know how to educate it. Yuck! You punish your associates, forced to exist for your service, because your teachers are incompetent. Yuck!

If you have a free will, why are you timid, anxious, feverish, nervous, distressed, phobic, unhappy, sad? Why do you have emotions (i.e. uncontrolled)? Why are you that you do not want to be? Etc.

Do you think that people who have IQs of 60, 80, 100, 120, and 160 have the same "free will", the same wills, and the same capacities of choice, but then! what differentiates them?

I deleted my free will inadvertently, can you give me the algorithm of free will, and the method to re-implant it in my nervous system, please? How's that, no ! You claim that I am not free to delete it!

Thought works as hunger and thirst, it's not we who decide to be hungry and thirsty, nor think.

To whom should it not be revealed that free will does not exist? Idiots, children, workers, to those who are religious or not? Who decides what others should know or not, what truths or lies they must know?

The invention of "free will" cannot be linked to morality because we are forced to exist, which would be at least amoral for an animal, and totally immoral for an intelligent being, sensitive, and aware of what he does.

The gods are used to get rid of the idea of responsibility that parents have, women essentially, to have put their child into the world. The creation is divine, human reproduction is desired, required by the deity! So the child, disabled or not, cannot complain to his parents to be in the terrestrial shit because the deity has willed it so!

And to get rid of the idea of responsibility with respect to the society, it's the concept of free will who eliminate their guilt feelings. If the parents educate their child sideways, then with his free will, the child, handicapped or not, becomes responsible in front of its deity and human beings. Good riddance !

In conclusion: Before you blame anyone, you must know the functioning of the human being, and thought exactly. We need to know that free will is impossible. The universe cannot make mechanism against its own mechanisms.

We cannot strictly blame anybody, but we can pretend to be angry, we can be ironic. Once we understand the mechanism in which we are embedded, absurd system, causing misery, suffering and death, and all for nothing, then we can try to stop the process.

The irony has always served. We can thus say that we blame our parents, berate them, call them to account, and then explain that they are deficient mechanisms generated by the universe, and that they would have done better to abstain, if they had been able. Then we ask them to participate in debriefing human beings…

Larousse (French dictionary) definition of Free Will: “ability of the will to determine itself”.

Obviously, the will cannot determine itself without existing first (and freely), which makes absurd this definition.

And the will would not be enough to explain the "free will" of people of different ages, therefore from different knowledge and cultures.

The will does something, and that something is important, since this something is learned. If you know nothing, on what exercise your will? Are you free from information that one requires you to learn, and mental functions to treat this knowledge that one forces you to have by obligation to exist?

If you defend the existence of free will, despite what you read or hear, against all odds, is it to defend our human world, the beauty of its wars, its diseases, its millions even billion disabled, pollution it causes, its perpetual misery?

How could it generates worse than all this, if truth were accepted by all?

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
“Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? ”

Dead end
E. Berlherm (May 2016)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Moral and the obligation to exist

 “All social violence has only one base, the obligation to exist, which is already in itself the greatest of violence against others.”

Morality without the research of the truth on the reality of the world, the reality of the facts which are truths in themselves, therefore without the truth about reality of human beings, of its mind in particular, is not morality.

Life is produced mechanically by the universe which is itself a great mechanism. There is nothing extraordinary in life nor in our human existence.

Our incomprehension, of the mechanical production of the Life of the universe, and what we are more particularly, so, this incomprehension is not a mark of our complexity nor of our splendor, but rather of our limited mental faculties.

It took more than 2 billion years of evolution so that Life invents beings who invent morality. That is to say how morality does not interest the Life (Life with a capital L). Morality is also counterproductive for the Life that requires only replication, and no thinking beings.

From the moment a thinking being (me, for example) imagine that life is useless and that according to the moral principles invented by life itself, since I am one, it is better not to replicate himself to avoid creating sentient beings, potentially suffering, wretched, etc.

Well, from this moment, we can say that Life erred by creating my existence and that of similar beings capable of understanding this long tirade.

The Universe has no morality, Life does not have any more. Life has only one rule which is the reproduction of anything, anyhow, anytime, anywhere, if conditions permit.

There can be no moral behind the fact that life eats life, and for billions of years, starting with phagocytosis, then the “biovorism” (eater of life) for multicellular we are.

There is no morality in the fact that life cannot synthesize itself from the inert molecules that are necessary, but must steal them to other sensitive lives, and themselves obliged to exist.

Life is not moral since life imposes life with anybody, in any environment, and any condition, for very variable duration and always too long for those which do not appreciate or too short for those which manage better.

It seems normal to say that the world must be cleaned before installing a child, which seems to mean that installing a child in an unhealthy world is not very moral. But if that is the case how can you consider creating an unhealthy existence, that is to say, create a child with physical or mental defects?

Where is the difference ? Is it not immoral? Is it not in fact much more immoral? Conceiving a child physically or mentally handicapped, is it not as handicapping (voluntarily or not) your child after birth?

Why does the Law sanction only the second case whereas to conceive request even more responsibilities more questionings than to educate a child? What is better? Install a healthy child in an unhealthy world, or an unhealthy child in a healthy world, or still worse an unhealthy child in an unhealthy world?

How dare you bet on the health of the child whom you create?

Morality is a cultural construction, it has no innate base, for the reason that humans are born virgins of cultural significance. At birth each being is introduced into an existing culture.

Culture will continue its evolution, ancient evolution whose origin is the first living cell. Nobody can argue that individuals would manufacture culture by genetic organization simply with cell division, nobody can defend the innate morality.

Does all animal species have a moral? However they have similar behavior to ours. Does the behavior of the ant devoted to its anthill is moral or results from mechanisms?

Moral culture, like all the rest of the culture is impregnated in us according to our activities in our environment. We acquire a culture according to the environment and the people in it. If the only environment is nature, then culture will result in only muscle activity and feelings collected in this environment.

Moral comes from significance given to stereotyped behaviors, the significance being itself something of vague and related to our experiments.

Can I morally or ethically make an existence, therefore to force somebody to exist? No, of course, I cannot.

Can I arbitrarily and dictatorially fabricate a life, therefore force somebody to exist? Yes, it’s easy, a woman can (if she finds a sperm to associate with an ovule in her uterus) and a man can also (if a woman lends her womb and ovum or can coerce her).

Creating life is not a moral action because the “non-existence”, which did not ask anything, is only created for those that already exist by those which already exist. And as this creation is not mastered, it is the height of immorality and amorality.

It must be either stupid or animal or slaver, even sadistic, to create a life that has asked nothing, under conditions that are not mastered, both the creation of life itself and the life’s toboggan that will borrow this existence to end up perishing.

You delude the children. You talk to them of love, but do you love them? The believers invented paradise and eternity to justify themselves, like a pretext and excuse to the short life of misery on Earth that they offer to their offspring.

Most aberrant is that they propose the hell to them, and that, it would be extremely fun if there were something to laugh about at creating an existence which does not have any means to prevent the creators from acting.

Evil necessary for life to exist, but not necessarily for intelligence, is always present so underlying and often unconscious, but present throughout the life of each, which induces all conflicts and all types conflicts.

Because nobody is really abused by the obligation to exist imposed by the parents of the social request, and with his narrow complicity (example: hospitals, clinics, midwives, obstetricians, family allowance, nurseries, etc.).

The first thing to explain to your children, is how you can talk about morality, respect, and human rights since you have them imposed to exist in this unhealthy and warlike world whereas you do not even control the reproduction ?

How will you explain to the child the obligation to exist whereas himself did not ask to exist? How will you explain to him the obligation to exist with a weak body (more or less heavy handicap)?

How will you explain the obligation to exist with a weak mind (IQ below one hundred)? How will you explain the obligation to exist with poor parents, weak-minded parents, unemployed parents?

How will you explain to him the obligation to exist in a slum when others are born in a castle? How will you explain the obligation to exist in the inequality of birth and how you will compensate him for his social and individual handicaps, whereas he did not ask to exist?

How will you explain to this child, truthfully, honestly, respecting the moral you want him to inculcate, all these points and many others?

How are you going to explain that the country of Human Rights does not respect the prohibition of deliberately endangering the lives of others, forcing it to exist while no mastery of procreation, the creation of its existence, that of the child who does not need to exist, except for the desire of parents and social needs, but not his?

How will you explain the obligation to exist, to this disabled child, that you can never compensate him for the moron existence you offer him for nothing?

Even if there were a god, we would not have to know, and especially not to say that there is one. We would not have to know nor to say that there are eternity, paradise and hell. Because the first must be deserved, be gained, without hypocrisy, without knowing it, by personal attitude simple. The good behavior of a life must be acquired without reason, and especially without carrots and sticks.

However, “the creation of an existence serves only those which already exist…” And besides, if a god wanted to attract you in his paradise, why wouldn’t a devil like to attract you in his paradise, that the other, this malignant and political god naturally calls hell?

What is the moral of a god that produces a human being, this so weak and small being compared to the deity that relatively he is worth less than a microbe? Is it not a disabled of divine creation?

What is worth the omnipotence of a god who creates such a weak being? Why a being manufactured from scratch, sensitive, suffering, mortal, would have duties towards the engineer who builds it with all his weak characteristics? Yes, what is the value of “his” Morality ?

Religious morality and secular ethics want to fight against suffering and human misery, it’s at least what they claim. But if that is the case why do not they want to face the facts that misery and pain begin by creating an existence?

It is, however, easy to understand that the creation of an existence is useful only for the people who already exist. This is an absolute truth. Why these avid people of morality for themselves, don’t have any for this child, their own child?

Is it not easy to understand: no life, no risk, no life no hell, neither on Earth, nor elsewhere…

The most despicable is to propose to him, in addition to this so terrible death itself, the choice of hell or paradise, whereas if this existence had not been created, nothing could happen to him.

It is totally stupid to think that an omni-intelligent being has fun to offer such choices and living conditions for beings that he himself creates moronic, feeble, sensitive, potentially suffering, etc.

less than microbes compared with him the Perfect Omni-all, to install them on a toboggan full of traps and dangers ending in an often horrible death even for most innocent.

Besides, all humans are innocent to exist and having to live without free will and without omni-intelligence. Without omni-intelligence we cannot be responsible for anything… If there was an omni-intelligent being, it would be solely responsible for the mismanagement of his world.

(It is necessary to slice, gentlemen scientists, if God is a fact, it can be analyzed scientifically. That must be resolved, because a human being is not the same if created by a deity or results from the working of the universe.)

Religions, ideologies, patriotism, have been done to prevent us from claiming our rights to life healthy, equitable, reasonable,

and to forbid us to simply ask about the reason for our existence which has no other cause than the service of our spawners and their social accomplices since the creation of our lives is yet a crime under their own laws.

When Madam creates, it is blindly, randomly, without knowing which type of people will be, physically and mentally, the being which she generates.

Life is a lottery. The child is the result of a game of Russian roulette of which it is a victim in any event. Gender, IQ, health, corpulence, mental and physical defects, are the various housing to the bullets of the revolver barrel that will serve his parents for giving birth.

If morality was innate (interesting this innateness), why would there be religious educators and lay people teaching what is the good and evil, right and bad conduct, ethics?

Humans will never solve their moral and ethical problems if they do not think about the issue of creating an existence, the absolute safety of the child, his health, his welfare, his introduction in society without its agreement,

his education without its agreement, and to let him know without mental maneuvers, he is on the planet by simple desire of two people who could just as well not make it.

But do not forget to explain to him why he was born handicapped!

* [The obligation to exist implies the fact of not being responsible to exist.]

To conclude, I repeat the initial sentence:

“All social violence has only one base, the obligation to exist, which is already in itself the greatest of violence against others.”

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
“Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? ”

Dead end
E. Berlherm (May 2016)