Monday, July 18, 2016

Money and the obligation to exist

What is money? It is first, the materialized or digital recognition, that is to say recorded, for a service rendered to others. Service can be time spent by using body or intellect, or indirectly a loan of money or material, etc.

Then, it is the possibility of using this recognition of rendered service, as a debt due from anyone else who is willing to settle that debt in exchange for the money representing this recognition. Money represents a flying debt that everyone can share, and is never canceled.

This money or acknowledgement of debt can therefore run until death and never be refunded to the person having this social acknowledgement of debt.

It is also possible by inheritance to earn this money or social recognition of debt without having ever worked, that is to say without having ever rendered any service to anyone,
as it is also possible, conversely, with this system, to have a social debt inherited from birth and having to pay by simply having been forced to exist with social complicity, by debtor parents.

Recall, incidentally, that believers discard their educational errors about a person, their child, that they forced to exist, being born virgin from cultural meanings with unwanted faculties, claiming that free will reached this new member as a divine grace, as soon as they are fed up with not being able to get from it what they wanted.

We cannot yet be heir of parental and social debts at birth, without being, similarly, heir of everything that the culture produced, starting from fire, wheel, glass, paper, etc.

The society is, it, always creditor, at least should be, since it makes money, which is quite practical. That of which it should benefit for the good of all, to erase inequalities. But the society has delegated (unintentionally?) to private banks for more than 85%, the production of an impalpable money, since digital.

(Read the Nobel prize Maurice Allais, who does not hesitate to compare the bankers to counterfeiters) (And I add for my part, that, since the system works globally, it means that the salary of people on the planet is devalued accordingly).

The simple obligation to exist makes you debtors, which is called the social slavery, which is amplified by the second fact, that is, when you are able, having to work to buy your body, i.e. feed it.

Do not worry, one won't charge you for the air, only solid and liquid. After mom-dad threw you in nature, you have for three days before dying of thirst, that's enough to find a job...

The flaws of this system are numerous. The one who understands them, and knows the art of plucking a patsy, can enjoy it at leisure.

Obviously it is better to be finance specialist than being bakery specialist. It takes you as long to learn one of these professions, but you will amass millions, even billions, more easily if you are in the bread rather than flour.

What is the money for all of us? For a farmer, a worker, a teacher, a manager, a boss, a banker, a shareholder, a minister, a parliamentarian, a judge, a policeman, a lawyer, a mannequin, an artist, a sportsman, a former sportsman , a poor man,
a rich man, an owner, a tenant, a homeless, a sick, a disabled from birth, a disabled from life, a healthy, a suicidal, a dying man, a third-world, a fourth-world, a tourist, a vacationer, a genius, an idiot, a philosophical writer.

The bosses' salaries is a compulsory levy on the labor of the workers, it is not the workers who democratically decide the salary of their boss. This is essentially the same principle for bankers, shareholders, parliamentarians, ministers, the President, and all civil servants, and others I've certainly forgotten.

If all the customers of a bank check the presence of their money at the same time, they will see that their account is provisioned, which is a lie of the bank since the bank could not refund everyone, if all the depositors wanted to clean out their account simultaneously.

Some people are paid according to the actual work they do, others are paid according to what they produce, others are paid according to time that they pass in the society, others are paid according to what is bought to them, others are paid according to the pleasure which they give to the spectators or to the listeners and according to their number,
others are paid to work others, others to supervise them, some are paid according to their manual skill, some are paid for their imaginary, their inventiveness, their force, their glibness, their physical beauty, their only celebrity, etc.

Why? Human isn't it human, human that those who already exist have constrained to exist to be partners on equal terms?

A pleasant example: you are a singer songwriter. It takes six months to compose a beautiful song (according to you). But then, little back in time, we are in the Middle Ages. The minstrel, you are, strolls from castles to village squares, and "makes his grub" from day to day, and hit the sack in the stables.

Modern time: you print your song on thousand DVDs, distribute them in commerce, and if it works you print a million, and why not seven-billion! You did the same job as the minstrel, but have multiplied like hotcakes, you are Jesus Christ the son of the god of song.

Why do your six months of labor are worth more than mine, me the baker? All this simply because you are able to print the "result" of your work (it's not your job that you repeat) in as many copies as you want? And it's not even you, who make the backbreaking job of multiplication, unlike the baker!

There are even more profitable, don't even need to make records, you sing, or play football, on TV, and you get paid according to TV ratings by SACEM or equivalent. Isn't she beautiful this rip-off?

Why send a word in 2000 ears, it should be worth more than sending a word in both ears? It is not you who do more work, it is the air or the electron which transports the sound.

Money does not only represent the visible product of people's work, it also represents the time that we spend to produce ideas, or other invisible forms and especially not measurable of human activity. Who measures ?

Getting rich, it is to impoverish others. And the money representing the work, it is forcing the poor to work more and more to get the minimum subsistence level, thus make it your slave.

It is easy to demonstrate that, enriching people, even without losing anything ourselves, apparently, impoverishes us ineluctably.

The progression of poverty is as invisible and inexorable as the advance of the small hand of the clock, contrary to the advance of the wealth of some that is seen as much that the progress of the sweep seconds hand of the clock.

For example, you buy your seat for a show, a football match, being perfectly voluntary to pay, without going into debt, and you enrich the footballer. Ostensibly, you lose nothing, but where goes the money of the footballer?

It's worse than enrich a person on the other end of the world, there is very little chance that this money comes back in your personal circuit.

The money is the result of Murphy's law regarding the exchanges between humans. Humanity itself is the culmination of Murphy's Law produced by Evolution.

Money is a prehistoric concept. It probably represented a kind of barter, in fact the memory of this barter. Money is now a leading cause of human misery.

The concept was completely misguided. He serves to measure the food, health, work, that of the man or machine, and objects, and among these objects, countless totally superfluous.

It also measures the pleasure, relaxation, recreation. Money is a concept that is used both to measure the concrete one as the abstract. The money is mainly used to amalgamate the vital and the superfluous, the real and the virtual. To change the world, we must fully reexamine this concept, to perhaps split it into two...

Perhaps two currencies would be needed, one for vital and one for the superfluous, one to measure life and another to measure frivolous. The first would be a serious matter and the second a game ... Today, only the second exists, but many of us are dying of this stupid game between billionaires!

But, they retort: “we, also, were constrained to exist, just like the poor bastards whom we trick, and since they continue to make children, it is that they agree to be gullible, if not, they would change the rules of the game, and forced us “democratically” to accept.”

Divide the money into two types of currency, vital and superfluous, is a hypothesis that must be considered by its ethical side first. For Justice, it must be applied, regardless of the economic impact on the moment. Tens of billions of people to come will thank us.

Money is a symbol which was set up in small groups of humans. Very few people lived on Earth at the time of the invention of money. Today this symbol, valid in the past, is used in two forms by billions of people. It rots the life of billions of people.

What was valid in prehistory no longer is today. We must cancel everything and start from scratch. Any world political management is based on the economy based itself on this prehistoric symbol. We must change that. The money symbolizes both the vital and superfluous, and that is not normal.

We cannot sell or buy life, we cannot sell or buy what represents us, our life. This rice, this soup, this salad as soon as they crossed our mouth, it is us. By habit, and because we cannot do otherwise, we buy a ring, a table, a DVD, a kilo of apples, a pizza with the same currency.

We even represent the game by money, whereas people starve to death not to have some. TV entertains us with gambling. It's filthy. This is blind slavery. We do not even realize our stupidity when we do this immoral action, to confuse superfluous with vital.

Money represents the work of people, and the freedom of some stops where the freedom of others starts. If there is one thing that must be controlled, it is money. The "monetary liberalism" is the leitmotif of slave traders.

Why the rich would have complexes to get richer, since you persist in mass reproduction to provide them slaves? Obviously, as long as the poor will recur, they will give reason to the rich.

Because reproducing, it is to accept the rules of the world in which we live by imposing them to a person who did not even ask to exist, and who will bear these stupid rules that you impose, you poor, forcing it to exist, your own child. (Is that clear enough?)

There is, however, no reason that there are poor people because the money is public, made by the State, and we are forced to exist, therefore forced to feed us every day, which is known to all, and, of course, from the government in charge of social management, so new entrants.

The mere anticipation of birth, requested by the State, the society, implicitly but definitely, implies the forecast of the food for this person throughout its life, the forecast of its wellness and its security.

The money, which represents food, welfare, and safety should be available for each individual without it having to ask, since it was forced to exist.

Today, there is no need to compel by force the people to work, there is no need to tell them, the dumb money has replaced the vociferous dictatorship. If you want to eat, if you want money, work! There is no place where you can install freely to live, to shelter and cultivate your parcel of land.

Your parents know it. Have they prepared your part of Earth cradle before imposing you to exist? Is it healthy and clean this cradle? Is it hygienic? Isn't it dangerous? Because you know that the endangerment of the lives of others is an offense, and a crime when that offense leads to suffering and death? You, the child of your criminal parents, you are an "other".

When one speaks of "liberalism", it should be understood that this kind of "liberalism" is the opposite of freedom and equality. This "liberalism" is a liberalism of competition, and therefore hierarchy of people.

Even if we left all pretty much on an equal footing at birth, it is impossible that there is a billionaire spot for all, a president place for all, an island paradise for all.

We are not in a meritocratic system, but in a random system (lottery of life) and martingalocratic, that is to say, if you have the chance to have wealthy parents or you have the chance to fall on the martingale that allows you to discover how to get the most out of others, well, you've won the game of human society.

Money seems a necessary evil to exchange the work, but is it really necessary?

Could we keep the money as a labor-exchange system and abolish capitalism, that is to say, how to remove the weaknesses of this system of calculation of trade, and to ensure that the calculating men, the profiteers are excluded (or controlled) as they are, in casinos, when they are identified?

When money is handled as a virtual product, it is forgotten that it represents the work. How not to forget? How to ensure that the accumulation of money is seen as what it is, that is to say indirect and hidden slavery?

If the entire human society is regarded as a casino by the millionaires and billionaires, well, made as in casinos, exclude those who cheat and found a martingale !!! Prohibit cheating, luck, inheritance, martingale. Outlaw enrichment, which is nothing less than slavery, imprescriptible crime against humanity.

If the entire human society is regarded as a casino by the millionaires and billionaires, well, made as in casinos, exclude those who swindle and found a martingale !!! Prohibit cheating, luck, inheritance, martingale. Outlaw enrichment, which is nothing less than slavery, imprescriptible crime against humanity.

All taxes are taxes on income: The actual VAT on a product depends on the income of individuals. VAT is a progressive income tax (progressive opposite of decreasing, but that is the opposite of social progress).

If your salary is 1,000 dollars and you buy an item of $ 5,000, a 20% VAT will cost you 100% of your salary, which is the real tax on your income, whereas if you earn 10,000, the VAT cost you "only" 10% of your income.

Normally, taxes, they say, should not be confiscatory... But who requires you to buy food and water, but also electricity, gas, and paying rent and charges which cost more than 80% of your salary or pension? No one !

When you realized that you had to work to live, why did you not commit suicide? If you have not done, it is that you accept the principle of being tricked by all these nice people.

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (July 2016)