Sunday, July 10, 2016

Subsistence income and the obligation to exist

The subsistence income, or basic income, is an income obtained from birth, to the new associate (to whom, it should constantly recall, one imposes to exist) to live properly in the world, to ensure the sustainability of its body, its intellect, its health, so its protection,

to live as long as possible under good conditions, in a healthy environment, not warlike, and where this new partner, this new person can enjoy this life that was imposed on it, to serve, while harping that it must do its life itself, and to liberate it from its parents who treated it like an object until his majority. What hypocrisy!

We invented the concept of Right, as well as the laws and Justice, without speaking of morals and of ethics. And since the Right and Justice exist, they should be respected.

We were put in the world, manufactured in any part with the Meccano set, which is maternal food, to serve our parents and their associates, i.e. the society in which they live. This initial servitude, is it not pure primary slavery? Should we not recognize it honestly?

The first reason for the basic income is justified is that we are obliged to exist, obviously without our prior consent. The least one could do, wouldn't it not that the world be pleased to welcome us before to install us on the planet?

Would it not be well that, at a minimum, this world is clean, healthy, non-bellicose and friendly, that the "intelligence", that we boast of being, wish to take as associates?

Why else swinging this baby, this new person, in a dustbin, the Earth, cradle of humanity, whereas yourselves you do not wish to be social slave, and pay your body daily?

We are obliged to exist, and, moreover, that is to be useful, but since it is to serve in a world which rejects the slavery, which regards it even as an imprescriptible crime, we should have at least a free body for life (food and water), a free health for life, a free security for life, all that is necessary to the life.

If we are put in the world to reproduce the animal behavior with the dominant ones and dominated, a hierarchy of humans, it is not necessary to make laws.

The second reason is that we all are heirs of inventions, tools and concepts, which are in the public domain, starting with the invention of language, of fire, of wheel, etc., and that we must share the incomes of the use of these inventions which are constant since they exist.

The third reason is that we all work, more or less consciously, to cultural transmission and its evolution, and the transmission of language and its constant growth, which improves the logic of our reasoning and science.

This work must also be remunerated. We all also constantly take part in the services within our families and in the society, when it is not in volunteer associations.

The fourth reason is that we invented the concept of society… This is the absolute proof that we count the ones on the others.

As this society is a continuous system consisting of people who all end up dying, well, the dead must be replaced by new young associates, to whom are not asked their opinions to exist, fill the gap, to belong or not to the society and accept the rules, because on Earth there is no out of society, all the terrains are already privately owned.

The worst undoubtedly, after this obligation to exist, is, that nobody, no woman controls the blind manufacturing of this existence in her uterus.

The person to be born is like a soldier who goes on the road to war (the road of life), it may undergo more or less serious handicaps in the womb, probably treated as damage which is self-evident, a collateral damage in this war of life against life, by its own mother, and complicit governments that need associates. Madam, are you a soldier, an army general?

The child is brought into the world to serve. He will serve that he wants it or not.

Please, do not say you give us life, whereas you do nothing but trigger it. If you really give it to us, give it until the end of life, with sound body, sound mind, healthy environment, interesting life, without being social slaves in need simply to survive.

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (July 2016)