Sunday, June 19, 2016

Society and the obligation to exist

According to the society and its social laws the only way to sign an association agreement is freely and voluntarily. Nobody can force you to sign anything. A contract is null and void if signed under duress.

This means that the only way to sign the "social contract" is either to accept freely and willingly, or to make a child just as freely and voluntarily.

Because having a child it is to impose the existence of a person that is manufactured "in haphazardly" by imposing the lottery of life to him, and that's to accept the association in fact (therefore of being an animal or a fool or a slave or a sadist).

As long as you have not signed the social contract, you have the right to claim what you want, there is no limit to your claims since one imposed on you to exist in this society and with a body that you have not selected.

Once the contract was signed, you can always claim, but only on points of detail, because you have accepted the general terms of the social contract.

But you can always claim that the original agreement was not respected, that you have been cheated, cheated in terms, or that the society has changed without your agreement in a way that does not suit you, you do not have countersigned the change. You can choose, hypocrisy and falsehood are social habits that you can use to your account.

Because the society strongly encouraged your parents to procreate. Your parents have confidence in the system. They made your life by trusting the principles of equality, fraternity, liberty, the great principles of human rights, which ensure you, health, safety, quality of life.

How else to understand that your nice parents have forced you, to exist in an unhealthy world, bellicose, unstable?

Formerly, a society was a group of individuals associated simply by family custom to make life easier. The human animal  manufactured a similar existence to him for his personal use, and the society needed to adapt to this new individual imposed on the group, until it becomes profitable.

But today the society has become a body, a quasi-entity, which exists in itself as a nation. We are in a mixed system in which the individual, monitored, procreate anyway virtually like he wants while being strongly encouraged by the society to produce lives for social service.

And this social involvement changes everything. The society becomes responsible, because represented by an almost dictatorial power over individuals. It is therefore responsible for our lives, our obligation to exist, our manufacturing in blind, our disabilities, our suffering, our death.

The society is criminal, because a share, still much the same, suffered the fate of life with violence. The percentage of handicaps of birth is always appreciably the same one. The percentage of handicaps gained during the Life is always appreciably the same one.

The society manufactures disabled existences, thus suffering, with full knowledge of cause and effect on individuals, a significant part of itself. The society manufactures voluntarily this suffering since it is constant in percentages.

How does the society consider it possible to compensate for a human being made for his service, but who can never have a normal life whereas he was manufactured to serve society, to social demands?

The society is not a sentient being,  and  that's probably why it is little concerned with  the suffering problems of sentient beings that we are, except for the profitability of its mechanisms.

Ask yourself what the society has not given you, whereas it's accomplice and instigator of those who forced you to exist, and who claim to have given you the Life. Ask yourself what that means giving life to an animal and what it should mean for an intelligent being, a human being. Is the social slavery all right with you?

The birth of a child is not a private matter, since it is an associate added to society, and so that everyone participates in this association by monitoring the child's health status, by education, and the rest ...

People sign contracts between adults, PACs, marriage contracts with signatures of witnesses before the mayor, and often redoubled by a church wedding, but the child did not have a say, he is brought in the world carelessly, without social control, without insurance.

Any woman before embarking on this perilous enterprise, for the child (to bring him into the world), should establish with the society in demand for children, a birth contract for at least attempt to ensure a minimum subsistence level for children, and adults that they will be.

And if the society refuses this contract of birth, that means that this society does not have a great consideration for this possible future associate. Therefore, do not make child under these conditions appear most wise.  Is not it ?

Thus try a contract of birth, you will see well what the administrators (President of the Nation and its ilk) will answer you, and which importance they give to the life of your possible child…

Marriage is synonymous with contract. How can one repeal a contract between consenting individuals? Moreover, what business it is of society, regarding the contracts, apart from the fact that Justice is there to enforce a contract? It would, however, be necessary to remove the concept of marriage and let people take care of their own contracts together with notaries and lawyers.

The question of the child, that is something else, it is there that the State must intervene. A family contract must be made for the child, and each child born, it is the child that matters. A new member is not introduced into society without asking the consent and support of the society...

A change of civilization is essential in this field. The child is a person, this is him that must be addressed first. The creation of an existence only serves those that already exists and when the creation is not mastered the creator is either an animal or a fool or a slaver or a sadist.

When a couple with the tacit agreement of the society, and even a strong incitement, have forced a child to be born, to exist with physical defects or (and) mental, how much they have to pay to repair their immense wrongs, whereas no birth is obligatory and that it benefits only the existing ones?

The existence of Family Planning means that it is asked to persons, mainly women, to control the number of children they bear. This means it is requested that, instead of ten children or more, they create less by controlling what they do.

It does mean that supernumerary children will not be created. It also means that children do not count, it is not their existence for itself that matters, but their family and social utility. These lives that could have been useful to society in other contexts and circumstances become useless or even dangerous for the planet.

So these non-existences are at our disposal, it is a potential livestock in which social draw at will.

Babies are pawns on the social chessboard, we create or not, according to our good pleasure, we are gods, with all the powers of life, death, prenatal and postnatal abuse, suffering and misery, whose gods play and laugh.

What strange morality! No life, no risk, no poverty, no suffering ... Since you admit fewer humans per woman, while they house hundreds of thousands of eggs, why 20, 10, 3 and 1 child? Why not stop the misery completely, since life, although it has no meaning, is only useful to existing ones?

Why not admit that zero children per woman is the moral solution? What bothers you there personally, apart from the fact that you do not dare to ask it? Do you feel a social responsibility? The society is not an entity. The society is a concept in our heads, it does not suffer.

In contrast, a conscious being can suffer. Why impose him this opportunity to suffer, by manufacturing his existence? Life is a lottery, how can you play the lottery on the back of your dear little? Endangering the lives of others when it leads to suffering, misery and death is a crime. No madam, if you make a child, then you are a criminal according to our laws.

Why prenatal ill-treatments, are they accepted without stumbling by the society and all parents, as if they were obvious?

When our parents create our existences, for their personal service (we do not ask to exist), we are born with a completely blank nervous system of cultural significance.

The nervous system is a blank memory, a white paper culturally. We do not have in memory any words or any function associated with the family and social culture. All cultural functions will be taught and learned during our existence.

We did not ask to exist. We were violently introduced into the Social Jungle, into the Earth trash, without our consent. Our life will be a lottery. The body we have is itself a lottery, gender, IQ, health, events, lifetime, all is lottery.

Our parents played the lottery on our back shamelessly, they will never excuse for our defects, they will be just happy with what they call quality. To introduce these social mental functions that we do not have at birth, they do not know how to do, nobody knows, it works nearly in general, but they have to do this by themselves, parents and society.

They want to insert ourselves into society, so they want us to have mental functions approved by the society, they have to do this by themselves, not to the children. Children are not to blame. They are in no way responsible to exist, or of their mental functions that will enable them or not to fit properly in society.

All these children have a very variable IQ, it goes from zero, the total vegetable, to the gifted and a few geniuses. Do you think all these intellectual differences give the same opportunities to everyone to fit into society? We are born unequal, intellectually and physically, but equal according to human rights and before the law.

Whatever the quality of mental functions that your parents have managed to insert into your nervous system, this is you who will take on your head if you commit an antisocial act.

They are your parents and the society which create and ask for your existences, it is them which introduce the social mental functions in you, but it is you who will take whereas it is them which were flunked in your creation and your insertion. 

You have been taken for a ride. "The creation of an existence only serves existing ones, when not mastered this creation, nor the path that will follow this existence, the creator is an animal, an idiot, a slaver or a sadist."

One of the core principles of human rights is that at birth you don't serve to anything or anyone, otherwise someone has planned for you the place you're going to occupy, as if you were a family or social wheel, that is to say a slave.

If you're useless, why do your parents procreate you? Well, it is for their personal pleasure. So, you serve them something, and it's out of human rights. Your parents are well indeed dictators. And like any dictatorship, it must be controlled.

All those who were involved in life (all living, all sensitive and aware, we humans) have the right to hold accountable those who have involved them, that is to say to their parents and the society.

The society is not innocent of this involvement. Why don't we request any account to our parents and society? Because we are formatted by them not to do so.

Do you realize that nobody, or almost, on Earth among humans, grumbles to exist? It's extraordinary !

We are propelled in the social jungle like mere objects, thrown like garbage into the Earth trash, drawn in the lottery of life, and no one backfire nice parents and nice societies, that made us this filthy gift, to exist, miserable, sensitive, fragile, and sickly, with no other reason than their stupid desires.

Stupid desires to be accompanied and to be served, and we have the great privilege of having to buy that gorgeous body all day long, this future bedridden when it is not at birth or on the road...

Not to mention that we are punished if we do not serve as the desire of the small number of our stupid ancestors who invented and propagated the belief in anything for the sole purpose of preserving this absurd life, this vicious circle.

There is necessarily a difference between a human being resulting from creation, and a being resulting from the only mechanisms of the universe. In the first case, we are created with features decided by our manufacturer, and in the second we are elements of the universe adapted to it because born of it, but without any intention.

These two entities cannot be identical. Since thousands of years, we live by believing us superior beings. We get educated by our parents and our societies as divine children, me personally, I have no particular power, I'm not telepathic, and have no free will.

I would have liked to be educated as such, a true rationalist sapiens. Humanity needs to clear everything out, from birth to death. We must question everything, education, justice, governance, etc. Everything is done according to the first scheme, everything must be done according to the second scheme.

Today, millions of people are stored in jail because our justices decided that according to the first scheme they were responsible. It is infinitely stupid to create a human, to wrong educate him, and to lock him by punishing him for errors of creation and education for which he is not responsible ...

The gods are used to get rid of the idea of ​​responsibility that parents have, women essentially, to bring their child into the world. Creation is divine, human reproduction is desired, desired by the deity, so the child cannot complain to his parents to be in the terrestrial slush.

And to get rid of the idea of responsibility vis-à-vis the society, it is the concept of free will that  takes the blame off them. If parents educate their child askew, with his free will the child becomes responsible before his deity and people. Good riddance !

Parents are not accountable to poor education they give their children, and society, that still has a greater deal in the education of children, is quite happy with this invention of free will.

The only culprit is the one who did not ask to be born and has not accepted social rules that one ordered him to accept, without even a signature, which is contrary to the law itself which said that what is obtained by coercion is unlawful.

It is funny that the point of view of equality is only examined from the angle of the social success. The women have the creative omnipotence of the species. They are the decision-makers with regard to the creation of a human being. And the planet is overpopulated!

All criminals have a mom. All idiots have a mom. All disabled have a mom. All dictators have a mom, and even Hitler had a mother. To be born healthy and sane is normal, but all these others, who put them in the world without taking their defense?

Who has not involved? Who let make? No life, no risk. Why conceive the male who will hit you? Why give birth to a female who is going to be beaten? Why bring forth one who will dominate you, one that will be dominated?

Women want all powers. That of creation, they have not even been able to manage healthy. The overcrowding is the cause of all human problems. Let the women first manage the child's slavery problem before thinking about themselves.

Bring a child into the world, whereas they are not well in this world, it's stupid or despicable. The Earth is the cradle of humanity. What are they waiting to clean the cradle before pampering?

A child is not a car that may have manufacturing defects and that we may send back to the constructor. You're the manufacturer Madame. A child is a person who has the right to be born without fault, and you have the duty to create flawless.

Even if you create a life by giving him the perfect health, intelligence and power, paradise and immortality, there would be only for your personal use that it would be created. This is not the case, you are not able to know what will come out of your Jack-in-the-belly Madame, you control nothing of this creation, only the onset.

Existence never asks to exist, and certainly not under the deplorable conditions which are offered to him on Earth, where it must in a staggering way gain its existence, pay the debts of its parents and the social debts contracted before its birth, and to guarantee the retirement of its parents and associated.

And all that incredible stupidity of galloping proliferation to make the world a hell! This is to die of shame to know that I have something to do with that...

Analyze the universe, the world, humanity, human society, mechanically, technically, logically, rationally and try to understand how the human being and society can integrate sensitively, emotionally, to that description leads to an aporia.

Reason and life do not go together, and yet the Life invented the Reason. Human rights come from human sensibilities, and a reason that did not go to the end of its reasoning.

To claim that we have duties towards the society is a belief, it is to claim that we have duties to our pure mental inventions, towards our chimeras, we create our problems and have duties to these imaginary problems created by our predecessors ...

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end 
E. Berlherm (June 2016)