Thursday, June 2, 2016

Pollution and the obligation to exist

Definition of pollution: environmental change making it harder life, individual or global, or destroying it.

Pollution can be absolute in on all species indiscriminately, so life in general, or relative, touching only an individual, a group or a species, or a more or less restricted number of species animal or plant.

Overmuch human on Earth is pollution for Life. Too much of one species creates a harmful imbalance for Life.

The first pollution, for life in general and for humanity is humanity itself.

It has always existed, this pollution, in the form of "local overpopulation" whose principle is the overcrowding of the occupied territory.

But now it has spread over the entire planet and is caused by general human overpopulation of misery, suffering, distress, which does not count itself in percentages, but in a number of unfortunate.

Overpopulation is not (yet) due to the number of people who may be possibly fed by the ground they occupy, but that people are added on the ground before the existing problems are resolved.

This is an empathetic definition of overpopulation, where the human, that I am, wish for others a life as "soft" (so to speak) as his, which is obviously not the case of a billionaire who cannot have this impossible vision of the world he creates himself and of which he is a slaver, and of which we accept the principle by desire or dream of imitating him.

The Earth cradle was sullied by mankind, by its very existence. But aware of the problem, it still does not clean before installing its own offspring, who have no more asked to exist than existing one themselves.

This is the direct responsibility of governments of the world, that have a sufficiently broad view of the problem, to solve it in less than 50 years. The time to reach the menopause of females.

Currently, we all know, without exception, that the world is a small sphere. The known problem of all is that of all.

And you Mesdames, you are the first concerned, because you are the mistresses of human life, very directly, immediately, and quite irrevocably responsible for the state of our planet and our way to live.

Why oblige someone to exist in a polluted world?

Madam, you do not even control the production of an existence that is done blindly into your uterus, and your child can itself be polluted before leaving your belly, more or less seriously handicapped. Because disability is pollution for itself and will also be for you if you're thinking about being a good mother.

But why make this child, this new person? Do you procreate him to clean up the world for you?

How dare to think that we can impose on a person, procreating him especially for this office, to clean the filth we do, we and our parents? We are already polluters with our too many lives.

Nature operates at a snail's pace. We, we need to go much faster. But more quickly we solve our misfortunes, more we promote the proliferation of human polluters. It is useless to clean up, if we increase the number of polluters, even smaller, in a world that is not infinite.

Anything that promotes human life has always served to multiply the number of humans, increasing the pollution problem and the many others also, and multiplies misery. We cannot improve the quality of life without thinking about population management.

Make a child pollute, make two children pollutes twice. And can you say, honestly assert, that they would not be born disabled, the poor devils?

If you put your child in a trash, do not complain, it is normal that you lived in this garbage too. Needless to manifest. Needless to claim. Needless to rant, you had to do it before imposing the poor kid to exist.

You could do that before and claim your due to your parents and accomplice society, that is to say a perfect health, free life, rich in experiences, long, and a healthy planet. Now it's too late regarding you. Dare to reveal it to your children,after you have apologized for having them imposed to exist in these conditions!

Did you know ? Under each square meter of tar, there is a subterranean life meter cube that was destroyed. For the greatest amount of life on the planet is actually in this meter of Earth 'under' the surface, and not 'on' the surface. France, for its road density, the highest of all countries, is the biggest destroyer of life in the world.

The Earth is our island, we'll never leave it. Do not mess it! Better, embellish it. This will be our only paradise.

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (June 2016)