Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Obligation to exist

What is the obligation to exist?

The obligation to exist, since we cannot ask ourselves to exist, this is a woman to take on her to impose to exist in conditions, body, mind, environment, parents, culture, and educators, you do not have further requested that the existence itself.

Your body and your intellect are manufactured by a person who is not you.

They are manufactured blind in the female uterus by a person who does not control (not always since there still exists on Earth the direct rape and the patriarchal rape, and other involuntary procreations) that the release of the process of generation which is then automatic, very variable, and far from reliable.

Bodies and intellect are manufactured according to models which are imposed to you. You cannot ask for in advance a body of superman, an intellect of genius, eagle wings, measure three or five meters, feed himself from light, etc

You should also know that these manufacturers can easily sabotage the uterine work in various ways (alcohol, drugs, etc.), but never improve it.

Then, this beginning body and this virgin intellect are placed in an environment which is also imposed to you, with all that accompanies it and which will accompany you your life lasting.

To start you will have right, if bodies and intellect are adequate, are normalized, according to the potential that some name innate since you did not wish it but just like the rest besides, so you'll be entitled to a compulsory education in your intellect virgin of cultural meanings.

In fact, you will do nothing but record, because the only means of teaching you anything is to lay out your receivers, eyes and ears primarily, in the direction of the things which you will have to acquire, and which will be necessary for you to understand the Life.

But, nobody, even the most skilful teacher, control the way in which this teaching penetrates your nervous system. Of course this is valid for knowledge, as well as for the features which will treat this knowledge.

And once again, it is very easy to sabotage the work of teaching, because each one in your entourage can take part in this sabotage, and impossible on the other hand to improve it, because your potential is your potential.

"Dura lex, sed lex"
You did not ask to exist, but already the Law is imposed to you democratically, without your voice, by those which already exist.

But as you are not a slave, it is antidemocratic, well, you can perfectly go to see elsewhere in another country, even over the Moon or Mars (after obtaining the passport and the visas according to the cases) if you can obtain food to free perennialize your body.

Because, the cells which constitute it constantly require to be repaired and to be renewed, and especially much water.

So no work, no body, and while you're there, slog a little more to protect your anatomy and your prudery because it is cold, and even more if you want a piece of land, and increasingly if you want to enhance your nondesired life.

Now that you exist, better is worth to keep busy intelligently, as you were learned. And especially think social, are empathetic, compassionate, social. Do you love each other, especially other.

The most wonderful is that humans consistently accept to be fooled by their progenitor, self-proclaimed "Mom", but that is understandable since we are born virgins from cultural meanings and that we undergo like fledglings the famous footprint (imprinting) the initial protector.

That our intellect is imposed during construction or by our instructors, this does not change, it is imposed on us. So how can we speak of "free will"?

At which time of the vast human saga this subtle scam of free will was it invented?

Admittedly, it is convenient and much cheaper (apparently, and now), to accuse the troublemaker forced into existence and education, rather than all its educators themselves also forced, and so the whole vicious society that spawned it.

And finally after much suffering, in an absurd and ridiculously short ritual course, we die and are paying, already dead, the plot of land, the coffin or urn that will hold our remains. And another tax! After the obligation to exist, the obligation to die.

Does Madam, the fact of having ovules give you the right to use, and to even misuse this power to compel somebody to exist, to exist to be useful to you, and to exist under any conditions of body, intellect, and environment?

We do not have any valid reason to force somebody to exist.

In some manners that the manufacturing of an existence occurs, if it is generated voluntarily, then it is the responsibility of the birth mother.

And especially this existence could be manufactured only for the intentional service of the birth mother, whatever this service. The created existence is either a tool or a servant or a slave, there is no alternative.

In order that the Life exists, it is necessary that the universe made this life. How did he do it? That is the business of the scientists.

The believers think, without any evidence, but for a completely dishonest reason that a god created the universe and life. The purpose of that is to get rid of the general responsibility for the existence for their children.

They claim that this god created us, humans, either directly or by inducing the evolution of life through a mechanism known as Intelligent Design, which returns to same since this creator of universe is supposed to control all, strange control!

But now that we exist, we need someone, someone like us, similar to us, has forced us to exist.

A person sensitive, conscious, is responsible for her actions, at least as responsible for the same responsibility that she herself held to inculcate.

This person is thus responsible because she us “sells” this responsibility, and it will be the same for us if we continue this vicious process.

From a divine point of view, given the potential of this entity, of course imaginary, the manufacturing of a sensitive being, potentially suffering and mortal, is not explainable, while itself is supposed to be perfect in every fields, body, intellect, and eternity.

It would thus have manufactured quantities of beings weak, sickly, stupid, monstrous eaters of lives, criminals by obligation, monsters compared with him, less than maggots, microbes! What a competence, what a omnipotence! And we would be his children?

Produce Life is to produce misery, suffering, not to mention the evil, crime, and death, and it is inexcusable.

For a human mother, sensitive, aware, able to understand this principle, this is equally inexcusable. Earth trash is not even healthy, not even clean, not hygienic at all, it is full of violence, warlike and dangerous, and you dare to insert there your baby, Madam?

If you are a believer, why don't you tell your god to clean its Augean stables before installing your child? Why do you play the game of a god irresponsible, hot-tempered, quarrelsome, the one who punish innocents, and killer of children.?

And by the way, why do not wait to be to paradise before conceiving a child?

So expect to be yonder to heaven before thinking of creating a child, make on Earth is to offer them hell!

And by the way, what is the use to exist?

But if you are not a believer, Madam, ask your governments to clean the baby's room before installing your little there, if you still dare to make one.

Do not hesitate to insist, because they need flesh for job, flesh for tax, and cannon fodder. Do not forget that you are the game masters of the Life.
I repeat: “You are the game masters of the Life”

It is not the happiness of only one individual, or even thousands, which counts, it is the misfortune of only one. Nobody can take the risk to manufacture only one miserable existence. Are you army chief, Madam? Do you manufacture little soldiers, by estimating the damage and losses on your own small child?

Especially as it may fall on you. And, madam! If you are a responsible and sensitive person, that will make at least two unhappy at once.

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themself, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (May 2016)