Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Overpopulation and the obligation to exist

“Overpopulation” is not an accounting measure, it is a moral measurement, an ethical measurement. Overpopulation is not accounting weighing the human ones and comparing with food, water and the air, that the planet can provide.

There is never overpopulation in the amoral sense of the term, which is the animal sense, because the overflow of life in this case is regulated itself by the death of weak people, malnourished, unlucky persons.

There is overpopulation only in a moral sense invented by the intelligences and consciences that we praise ourselves to be, but currently the living conditions of billion people are perfectly immoral. There is thus overpopulation according to our Human Rights.

The living conditions of one of our future associates must be prepared before installing it in the cradle Earth, well before and socially, otherwise it is useless to create its existence, existence which it did not ask for and even less under unhealthy conditions for him.

We must remember all the immorality there is to make a sensitive existence, conscious, suffering, and mortal for the service of existing people, even offering him every chance for his body, for his intellect and for his life.

What is never the case, because our body is a lottery, like our intellect, like our parents, and the community, without speaking of our often catastrophic education.

People were not widespread on the planet to visit Greenland, Siberia, the Grand Canyon, the Gobi desert, the Kalahari. No of course it is because they have multiplied without counting and continue to do so without reason. When the occupied territory is insufficient to feed the tribe, then they widen their territory.

An unfortunate is already too much misfortune. Have you traced the curve of growth in the number of unfortunate on Earth since the dawn of humanity?

If human progress are counted by the decreasing number of unfortunate, in this case one can only admit our incapacity to progress, and even all the opposite since one counts the unhappy ones per billion today.

Whereas in the time of Julius Caesar we could count no more than 200 million infortunates (which was the number of inhabitants of the planet).

There always was “local overpopulation”, i.e. going beyond the threshold of the capacities of feeding of the occupied territory by people, who do not amount according to the territory, but according to the close tribe from which it is necessary to be protected, and which it is necessary to overcome by the excess. What is always the case currently where the tribe is replaced by the nation.

All conflicts are expressions of human overpopulation. There have always been conflicts, and there have always been local overpopulation, now the local, it is the planet, and overcrowding is widely expressed in the last century with our game world wars, and continues to violently do it. Thank you to the terrorists without which we will be bored strongly!

Governments will have trouble to tackle overpopulation head-on, because they need flesh for work, flesh for tax, and as cannon fodder, to increase their GDP, therefore their power, i.e. took  her onto his back to convince the neighbors that the country is strong enough to defend itself.

Governments think in percentage of losses and collateral damage when they count births (7500 serious handicaps for 800,000 births per year in France, this gives about 1%), mothers can not think about their own child in these same terms.

States are masters at home, regarding what do not exceed their borders, but when it comes to water, air, or some other phenomena, such as overpopulation in their countries, which have consequences in international relations, this is no more the case.

The population of a country has an impact on other countries when it involves a large uncontrolled immigration, whatever the reasons, mismanagement of the country, social deprivation, any lack of labor, civil wars, etc.

The future problem of the governments will be to agree with the others harmoniously to depopulate the nations on all planet, because the population makes the strength of the country, according to their countable opinion. In France, the President of the Republic is also chief of the armies…

Religions are like governments, without misfortune they have no reason to be, so they must maintain this misfortune. The introduction of mandatory religion is an effect of overpopulation.

If normal death per billion in a very short period of time (7 billion in a hundred years, for example) is not, according to you, a sign of overpopulation, so what would be the signs of overpopulation?

Because, indeed, if a person is not fed correctly, is not treated properly, does not have a healthy life, she dies "normally" quickly. And in this case, there will never be overcrowded, since a dead man (unnecessarily because always made unnecessarily for itself) is not included in the calculations.

The slate of the calculation of the human population is immediately erased when famine and misery reign. No need to worry about overpopulation (animal, therefore amoral) since there never will be!

Moral signs of overpopulation are: wars, poverty, misery, malaise, unemployment, hunger, thirst, pollution, natural and man-made disasters, governmental disabilities to resolve various problems, creating new problems, displacement, etc.

There is a minimum number of human for the perenniality of the species (if "one" sees a need so that our species continues, as guardian of the Earth zoo for example).

And beyond this number what good is it to require someone to exist (this person will have, obviously, like us all, its word to say on the fact that he likes or does not like the existence that one imposes to him)?

If you think that the world is not in overpopulation state, how do you assess the amount of human not to exceed?

When this number "N" will be achieved, what shall we do, or rather what will they do (in the very near future) to stabilize the population, than we could not have done ourselves with fewer people? If there is no overpopulation, shall we give this extra problem to solve for future generations?

But what good is it to reach that maximum number of humans for the planet? Who orders it to us?

But in fact, what is the use to exist for non-existence, in conditions that procreators not mastered, neither the environment, nor living conditions?

What does it do, to the heterogeneous material (maternal food), to be assembled to become a person sensitive, conscious, suffering, and mortal? Explain for which reason this food mechanical assembly, of which nobody controls the uterine assembly, must become a person conscious, suffering, and mortal.

The populating (opposite with overpopulation) is not the possibility of nourishing the existing population, it is the effective feeding of the population, and it is also and especially the maintenance in good health and in the wellness of the entire population.

But once again, what good is it to require someone to exist for then telling him that it must do its life by itself, for itself? That is completely extravagant, incomprehensible, perfectly Ubuesque!

It is strange that women do not feel that their body belongs to them and that they are entitled to manage the colonization of the world by humans if it suits them.

Don't you feel, Madam, as a little overpopulation, I'm not talking about food overpopulation, but a vast problem of overpopulation of malaise, of suffering, and of misery? The world suffers Madam, you do not control your desire to procreate.

We could be ten-thousand inhabitants on Earth and live in peace. Do you believe that so many people (billions) is necessary? Necessary to what besides? Necessary to protect itself from the human ones! Just do not make bellicose warriors and there will be no reason to protect from the others, only of Nature, and this is already not so bad.

Even if the man were not completely responsible for climate warming, it is on the other hand completely “responsible” of the population, of the quantity of population (overpopulation) that suffers the consequences.

The global warming is a problem, because we are too numerous and that we occupy all the surface of the globe, otherwise it would not be one really, because this phenomenon is recurring, and not really problematic for a species which adapts very easily to its environment.

In 1900, there were 2 billion people on Earth. Intensive agriculture has helped more than double the human workforce. No improvement in agriculture improves the wellness of humans in general, because the number of humans grows disproportionately without control as soon as you give it the opportunity.

The goal of Life (I mean the mechanism that is Life in general) is not the wellness, it is the multiplication of the individuals. Life is a field which increases when conditions are favorable.

That the planet can feed or not thousand-billion human is not the problem. The problem is: from which right to oblige somebody to exist? From which right to oblige somebody to exist to serve those that already exist?

From which Right get someone to exist without mastering the fabrication of his existence in the Frankenstein laboratory that is female uterus? Are people silly? Certainly. Are they animals? Certainly. Are they able to understand what is explained? Certainly if one insists somewhat ...

One cannot continue to market, iron and wheat, with the same currency. One cannot continue to play stock market, on iron, and to exploit the price of wheat in the same way, with the same money. Buy wheat, it is to buy and to sell our bodies, it is out of the human rights, it is a wretched slaver system.

We have all the right to the life as soon as we are born, we have all the right to food without having to pay it.

The food is like air, I have the right to breathe and thus the right to eat without paying. If you do not want me to feed myself without paying my body, so do not put me in the world. Overpopulation has led to this total aberration.

Madam, if your child can not be nourished and nourish himself free, so do not put it to the world.

Is it utopian to suggest doing something that we have already done? Being only a few million human on Earth, that was already done. Why not try to remake it, while improving the material conditions of each one by the tools sophisticated which we will continue to improve?

A little bit humor: Given the amount of water on the planet, there can be at most about 35 000 000 000 000 (35 000-trillion) humans on Earth ... Including a half square meters per person, the surface of the planet is about 509 887 006 000 000 sqm (510 000-trillion m²). I can only assume that there will be some room to move. So let's be optimistic!

Still a little humor: There are about 150,000 deaths per day against 350,000 births, if the number of births fell to stabilize the number of humans, it would mean 200,000 layettes, nappies, etc, of shortfall per day for the industry of the births. It is totally unthinkable. It is better to increase the number of deaths to promote the mortuary industry.
(In my case, it's a joke, and for you?)

The solution of overpopulation is not the depopulation, it is the not-populating. One kills nobody, one does not endanger anybody, one does nothing, i.e. one does not make, ...not any children.

It is theoretically easier to do than doing nothing (let's be profitable). And we do not endanger the lives of others by manufacturing a being who did not ask anything, because "it" has no existence.

To decrease the population to arrive to this perennial value of the human “species” does not want to say to pass by the weapons about seven-billion human beings.

That means that we quietly let die about seven billion people, completely normally and pleasantly if possible, without replacing them as supernumerary functionaries.

That means that one does not oblige to exist seven-billion people to take care of the conservation of conservatism, and that will do as much less to pollute, to suffer, to ask stupid questions about “does the life worth the sorrow”, and to end up dying more or less merrily.

One can reduce to nothing the misery of the human world in one half-century, fifty short years, not even a human life, and all that by doing nothing, absolutely nothing. It is an absolute fact, it's not a hoax, my argument is infallible.

It's worth trying this experiment, is not it? Yet there is one thing to do, one small thing, to transmit what it is necessary not to do, to the whole of the human population…

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (May 2016)