Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Education and the Obligation to exist

Right is a human concept, Power is of the universe. To bring into the world is not a natural "right", it is a natural "power", like to use his muscles to move, and since this is a power over others, so a social power, it must be regulated.

Make a child, it is to make a person, it is to add an associate to the nation, an associate whose others will have to take account (environment, life, education, health, death). The power to make a child must be managed by the entire nation, in a democratic way and without forgetting our moral.

Make a child is first a risk to the child itself (and for the woman who will give birth), what right we can force a person to take mortal risks, and this is not the slimmest risk that is imposed, it is the infinite risk to exist? (Not to mention the risk of hell to believers!)

Education is a dictatorship, certainly necessary once we exist, but a dictatorship de facto.

The creation of an existence, i.e. a human being, but also an unspecified animal, is a power of life, of suffering, and of death, on a being identical to oneself. It is also the power to place it in the environment that one chooses for it, in a culture that one constrained it to accept, with an education system or not that one imposes to it.

For the part of the life which it will have to undergo like autonomous human being recognized adult by the society, it will have to buy daily its body, water and food, and not only to pay the parental and social debts, but to pay for the social tax the retirement of elderly people. Because the society and the relatives will do everything so that it feels by constrained training and empathy to follow the system.

If as a parent, you maltreat a child after birth, the law punishes you, but if you maltreat a child before birth, that is to say if he was born with a physical or mental defect, the society absolves you.

And most incredible, it is that you even will arrive to trick your child to make him believe that it is about a usual fact for which they are not responsible. Thus goes the life, do you say.

Mystery? No, this is only normal, free will does not exist, and we can put what we want, or so, in the heads of these adorable dullard cherubs, our dear children, and we call this formatting, education ! But are we not the simpletons of our parents themselves even closer to Australopithecus than we?

Free will does not exist since the universe cannot make mechanisms going against its own mechanisms. Free will exists neither for the children, neither for the adults, neither for the old, neither for the victims nor for the criminals.

If you do not believe me, thus ask the government and justice to give you the official scientific demonstration, which belongs to you since made with your taxes. If this demonstration is very easy to make, well, no problem, they should give it in some sentences. If it is complicated, why don't they make it establish by CNRS?

As long as the demonstration was not made, by precautionary principle doubt benefits the defendant, nobody can be punished. Free will does not exist, and then, so much better, everyone will have to be better educated. The governance will be made by better-educated people.

Justice will be done by better-educated people. Educators will be better educated. And perhaps we will manage to understand the crime if we do not lend to human beings something which they do not have! Does the free will have to exist because our elders, much less educated than us and believer by royal obligation, decided it?

If there are criminals, it is because the society has not made its education work. It is directly responsible for the crimes that you undergo, you, victims. The society did not play its role of filter, selector, during the insertion of the person, the future criminal in society.

You victims you can complain against the society for laxness, for endangerment of others, incompetence, etc.

Constraint somebody to exist is already disgusting in oneself, but to force somebody to exist without controlling its conception, its manufacturing in utero, is even more despicable.

And even better, the absolute height of stupidity or sadism will be eventually to blame him for his conduct while he did not ask to be here or there, with a person or other, at such or such time, whereas he has received an education he did not choose, and that he was born virgin of cultural significance, with a brain of which the mechanisms were no more chosen by him that controls by its parents.

Obviously, to do not understand this so “simple” principle of stupidity, which, however, the animal, that I am, understands perfectly, is transmitted by the culture. Because, if mom, dad, and the society are idiotic, it is by cultural transmission and evolution of our intrinsic animality, towards… one wonders well what!

(One in four babies, born every second nowadays, has simultaneously an IQ (intelligence quotient) and a PQ (physical quotient) higher than 100!)

There is necessarily a difference between a human resulting from a creation, and a human resulting from the only mechanisms of the universe. In the first case, we are created with functionalities decided by our manufacturer, and in the second we are elements of the universes adapted to it because born from it, but without any intention.

These two entities cannot be identical. Since thousands of years, we live by believing us superior beings. We are educated by our parents and our societies as divine children, me personally, I have no particular power, I'm not telepath and I have no free will. I would have liked to be educated like such.

Humanity needs to clear everything out from birth to death. We must question everything, education, justice, governance, etc. All is done according to the first scheme, all must be done according to the second scheme.

Today millions of people are stored in jail because our justices decided that according to the first scheme they were responsible. It is infinitely stupid to make a human, to educate it badly, and to incarcerate it to punish it for mistakes of manufacture and education for which he is not responsible…

The gods are used to get rid of the idea of responsibility that the parents, the women primarily, have for putting their child in the world. Creation is divine, the human reproduction is deliberate, wished, by the deity, therefore the newborn cannot complain to his parents to be in terrestrial shit.

And to get rid of the idea of responsibility with respect to the society, it is the concept of free will who takes the blame off them. If parents educate their child askew, with its free will the child becomes responsible in front of its deity and the men. Good riddance!

From the moment we admit that a child must be educated so that its knowledge and judgment have to be formed, one implicitly admits that free will does not exist, since it has no self-determination and that its knowledge and judgment may differ from those of another person.

If we think that children have free will, why develop their judgment? This makes thousands of years that the popular belief has put us in mind that free will exists, and we are now more than seven billion, most of which have been formed with these erroneous knowledge bases.

We are not divine children, but children of the universe which needs to be educated as well for knowledge as for the behavior.

One does not educate a child created by a god like a child resulting from the mechanisms of the universe, it is not the same person. The school does not educate the behavior, it let does that to mothers who have, most, only maternal instinct as learning experience to educate their toddler.

The education of this behavior being besides totally passive in general, it is carried out haphazardly. The society must remedy that.

A leader of the world should know how function as exactly as possible the people it governs. It's the same for legislators, judges, and especially educators because educators educate future leaders, future legislators, future judges, especially the future educators themselves.

If education is distorted, everything links up. Seven billion people are on our road, they are part of the description of the path we travel. Seven billion erroneous descriptions whereas we spend our lives among humans, that cannot function properly.

If the cause of this erroneous description is intentional, dishonest, whereas one asks me to be honest myself, how this society made up of human educated dishonestly and falsely can function correctly?

Refuse to admit that free will is impossible, it's stupid, it is our intimate functioning, this resulted in our absurd world, rotten, warrior, muddy, grubby, insane, composed of idiots and slavers who have their heads in the sand for nothing, because life has no meaning.

We are constrained to exist, constrained to education, constrained to buy our bodies, constrained to suffer (all), and constrained to die all without exception, whereas we invented the Rights, morality, and ethics.

You punish your own child because you do not know how to educate it! You punish your associates constrained to exist for your service because your teachers are incompetent !!!

We educate, we judge, we govern, we act seriously according to proven facts, and not based on assumptions. Free will was formerly a practical and cost-effective supposition, its impossibility is easily demonstrated (see text about free will).

A person you've invited to discover your planet, your home is a host. Your child is a person, it is your host. But this person has no more asked to visit your home that to visit it in the body and the intellect that you impose him.

Moreover, this child was born with the material and intellectual components that you granted him without asking him his opinion, no more than your own opinion was asked for this manufacturing of which you only have mastered the trigger; and these are not the hopes which count, but the effective result. You just hoped that it is perfect, but especially at least that it does not disappoint you.

The manufacture of this person was done in utero, in general,  i.e. in blind. The result is random, boy or girl, intellectual and physical quotient, not to mention the many handicaps, and genetic defects in this do-it-yourself, too complex Meccano food, like any life evolved on the planet.

All that to come to a person that you will have to insert in the society, while following the social directives, because education is obligatory about everywhere on Earth nowadays.

Thus this baby is born virgin from any cultural significance, and if it were not the case of that, it would not be responsible, as it is not responsible to be human, and boy or girl, or to be equipped with a more or less efficient brain, and you will have, as well as the school teachers, at the same time to impregnate it of meanings, to make it acquire knowledge and mental functions, and to teach it to coordinate its muscular activities, according to your culture, to insert it in the society, if you are a responsible person, i.e. if you have been yourself at the same time well-educated and well inserted in the society of your parents.

What is strange in our social system, it is that this child who is your host without to have asked for it, you will make it believe that it must thank you for being in your presence, therefore to exist, and, moreover, you will achieve to make it think, without it realizes the trickery, that it will become responsible for its own conduct, whereas you, the manufacturer of this child, are obviously the priority person in charge, both its hardware components and intellectual!!!!

Obviously the society which takes an increasing part in its education has a very large part of responsibility in all the mental mess which will occupy the nervous system of this new associate, innocent to exist, innocent of its manufacturing, and innocent of its education, therefore completely innocent of the behavior which results from it.

You may say that it's the same for you who are again and always the child of your parents and an associate like the others. The small difference is the power you have over him, and especially the interest that we would have, we humans, to do not tell us stories about what we really are.

The gods and religions are not an appropriate way to manage the population. Seven billion people are on our way and we need to know how they operate and ourselves, to better understand our course in this mandatory life.

A human being cannot be the same if it is of divine origin with free will or if it is only a result of the mechanisms of the universe, so without free will. The education of such an individual cannot be the same, and everything will chain following these immense defects of understanding and therefore education that this causes.

It is a human snowball of filth, hatred, misery, blood, which speeds down  by amplifying on the slope of the infernal toboggan shaped by evolution.

A child is multipotential. For example, it can be impregnated of any culture and learn as a mother tongue whichever one's, and it is the same thing for the behavior, it has all the capacities of good as of evil, without knowing that it is well or bad at birth, because it is, at the time of this departure in life, virgin of all cultural meanings.

It is to its teachers to impregnate it good behavior and to teach it the difference between both overall, and specify it the details of its social conduct in its progressive education.

And if curiosity and imagination must be integrated in the mental of a child so that it becomes an acute and flexible intelligence, on the other hand, its social integration must be engraved with force in such a malleable nervous system and very elusive, unable to be controlled, since this engraving is practiced in blind from outside without any means of checking that it was well carried out in the neural networks.

The goal of the education of a newborn is its social integration. Education must know what a human being is, starting with its obligation to exist, its virgin intellect of cultural meanings, bodily and mental functions imposed during its manufacture.

From the moment that you impose the existence on someone, thus suffering, work, and death, why would you want that this person thanks you to exist?

If it had a free will, we could imagine the disastrous consequences of this dictatorship, but fortunately for you, the spirit of a newborn is virgin of cultural meanings, its mind is a white paper and thus you will be able to register almost all what you wish.

There is despite everything some small problems, it is that it is in fact impossible to control education to perfection for two reasons: first it is that you do not know how functions exactly the spirit of this new person no more than you know yours, and the second is that this child constantly acquires knowledge and cultural features apart from you, either by itself most of the time, or by other individuals.

The human brain is a perpetual integrator, it works day and night, also, it is impossible to follow the furious rate of nerve cells, all alive and active, which connect with each other without even that the possessor of these tireless workers is aware of it.

The school makes two things, cultural education and social integration. Do the teachers separately make these two very different things on each individual? How, without being aware or taking account of the non-existence of the free will, can they make this education and this insertion correctly?

How occurs education?
We are objects perceiving by ears/microphones and eyes/cameras. We are placed at locations chosen by parents and educators to perceive what we are taught and that is set before us, most of the time, in a verbal form, once primary education carried out.

Even the owner of the brain does not know how the signals are integrated and how knowledge is formed which results of being in front of something which produces the multitudes of perceived signals. The owner of the brain is not the author of the mental functions which constitute the base of its mental and motor activities, and he is not more the author of their modifications.

Educate somebody is, mechanically speaking, establish new connections in the nervous system of this person. This modification, completely out of control, thus random, is a direct attack on the physical integrity of the person.

Although our operation and that of the computer are alike because we make one and the other of the streams management, processing of information is not the same. The function "2 x 2" exists in the computer, but is used on demand.

To us humans, the storage of the function, its result, and its use, imply alive cells and complex neural networks. The corresponding cells are always alive, therefore active, whereas in a computer the corresponding part of the memory is inoperative.

To us the "engraving" by our educators of this mental function in our nervous system, our thought, implies a change in our mental structures, it is not without consequences for our behavior. Mental function '2 X 2' is not inserted in the same location in the different human heads, and did not have the same impact on the behavior of individuals.

The purpose of learning a multiplication table to a child is that it can do multiplications by itself and therefore give the results of a multiplication when it needs in its life.

But what are the side effects, on the learner, of the modification of the connections of the brain by learning the multiplication table?

Each child will have different side effects, and no teacher in the world can know them. It is the same for all learning. Example with multiplication: the word "nine" evokes the "pine", and the word "eight" evokes the "hate". What makes connections between pine and hate produce in each brain?

To educate a person, a child, you must register something in its brain, in all the nervous circuits of its body, so that this being answers by social acts to external and internal stimuli social and animal.

To educate, it is therefore modifying the connections of the nervous system as you would in an electronic machine. This necessarily affects its behavior and future actions. With which finesse do the teachers make these operations of “wiring”?

Do they know how to make it precisely and consciously in order to obtain something of reliable for the one which is modified? All the culture, of which the very complex mother tongue is part, was registered in my nervous system.

Those, who have changed my neural circuits, are responsible for it, because I have neither asked to exist nor asked to be educated so that my nerve connections are changed at the pleasure of others. I don't know how to do that myself, no more do they know how to do on their own brain.

The education of a person is always made of sweeping generalizations, to the haphazard, in a totally random way.

If it works in general, it is because the coercion is a very easy to use educational system, but it is not because this coercion does not work, that the one, which was forced to exist and forced to education, becomes responsible for its own social integration.

Free will does not exist (see the text on the "free will"), the universe cannot induce free will, because no one can go against the laws of the universe.

When “one” knows the functioning of its thought, of its brain, “one” can direct its work, but “one” cannot control it, “one” can just prepare information which “one” wants that it digests. But what occurs in the brain, in the thought, it is a black box.

Our educators know it when they put us, child, in front of information to be acquired, who is all the work of the school.

I say "one", but this sentence is obviously very poorly-phrased. This "one" is a production of the same nervous system associated with the entire rest of the body which induces the behavior of this body that thinks, speaks, writes, acts, in a resulting global mechanism that requires to continue to be as perfectly coordinated as possible.

Ninety-six percent (96%) of criminals are men, this means that the system of education of men is more criminogenic than that of the women, unless it wants to say that the genetics of man pushes to crime.

If one compares aggressive behavior of man and its animal brethren, this seems the case. But since the genetic of males is criminogénic, how can they be responsible?

Did we ask to exist, and especially with these genes of the aggressiveness of which the society reproaches us the presence and the effects completely stupidly since it is to it that we owe our existence? And if the society is responsible for our education, how come that this educational responsibility is not taken into account at the time of the lawsuit of social troublemakers?

Education is behavioral, how do you want to educate a child by holding it motionless in a chair for hours?

Societies, i.e. the nations, thus the governments, took in charge the education of the children, they thus have the responsibility for their social integration. Everyone is entitled to file a complaint against the government if education is poorly made.

The victim of a crime should not only file a complaint against the person, but against the educators trained and knighted by society.

If you want to be a good computer programmer, you must know what the functions, information, material, language, etc. To be a good teacher, you must know the equivalent into children otherwise you do a bad job.

Formerly the deaf (and dumb) were considered idiots because as unable to learn, in fact they were not idiots by learning disability, but because their teachers were unable to teach them.

Whatever the child who is educated, the bad behaviors of the child and the person it will become, will always be of the responsibility of the teacher, and, of course, first of all, of the people who forced him to exist.

The "free thought" is a strange paradox claimed by (most) humans, it is obtained by "formatting" people to think freely by "compulsory" education and, previously, obliging them to exist.

Education is thus imposed on a brain which is imposed. And one continues in the slavery system by obliging them to buy their body, their security, their shelter, and their health…

Parents and children are persons, they have the same rights. If parents have priority on tutoring children, they are, however, subject to social control.

The child has the right to education, but the type of education received by the child may be contested by the child when he receives this education, and especially later when he is able to understand this education.

A child, who has received certain information that appears erroneous to it, has the right to dispute and produce the necessary corrections to its masters and thus to its parents, and especially to the religion.

If you do not know what you are, those who are "informed" of that, the slavers and the sadistic, will fool you ad infinitum.

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end 
E. Berlherm (November 2016)